Friday, September 10, 2004 - UK: Darfur 'may well' be genocide - Sep 10, 2004
after so much anticipation whether colin powell will call what is happening in sudan for what it is, a genocide, it was sort of underwhelming to hear on bbc world service that saying the "g-word" has no legal basis. it seems to be the case, as another 30 days will have to pass before something as "minor" as sanctions will happen. seems like everything now is related to terrorism, oops i mean international terrorism. the leeway that sudan seems to be enjoying may be due to its cooperation with anti-terrorism efforts. meanwhile, the uk has echoed what the us has said, as above. looks like all the major world issues [e.g. north korea] have to be put on hold until the november us presidential elections pass. which is such a pity.

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